The B.A.R.N.A.B.A.S. Pledge

The B.A.R.N.A.B.A.S. Pledge
The A-TEAM was fiction. But through God's grace and love, and our efforts I pray the E-TEAM will become reality: In 2011, a crack commando unit was prevented from being formed by satanic attacks on the creator of the B.A.R.N.A.B.A.S. Initiative, in an attempt to stop them from spreading of the Word of God. This person was eventually delivered from a maximum-security prison of fear and doubt into the light of God's Love as He promises to do for all of us. Today, still wanted by satan and his demons, they survive as God's army, the Christians. If you have a problem... if no one else can help... if they can find you... or if you can find them... maybe you can be delivered by God through... THE ENCOUAGERS. - Scripture Insights Providing Bible-based Answers to Many of Life's Questions, Concerns, and Issues

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Life in a Perfect World

Dare We Strive For That Which We Are Not Yet Equipped To Handle?
By David Alan Benoit      August 14, 2015
If only this world were as perfect as we think it should be.

Hospitals would all be empty, because no one would ever be sick or injured...
Schools would all be closed, because we would be born knowing all we need to know...
Police and Prisons would cease to exist because no one would ever commit a crime...
Wars would never happen because we would all have the same life expectancies...
Pastors and Preachers would never have to teach God's Word to those who already know it.

The good news is, in God's good time all this will one day come to pass.
He will heal, teach, correct, protect, and instruct us all in our perfect, resurrected bodies...
Until such time however, we would still have a few problems...
For you see, we are all imperfect people; striving for perfection in an imperfect world...
By striving for perfection for ourselves, we would also be creating hell on earth for others.

Doctors and Nurses, who live to feel the joy of healing and caring for us wouldn't be able to...
Teachers couldn't feel fulfilled by passing on what they know to those who need to know it...
Law Enforcers, who thrive on knowing they are protecting us, could not do so...
Soldiers who give their lives to protect our freedom by defeating evil, could not...
And Bible Teachers would never feel the joy of learning God's truth, then passing it on to us.

OK, OK, OK, all these people have a valid role to play in life as it is...
However, what is so wrong in preventing the hardships we all face in this imperfect world...
Surely THAT justifies our efforts to single-handedly bring about perfection from imperfection...
Granted, but just as apple seeds can only produce apple trees and apples...
So we, as imperfect beings can only produce imperfect results such as these.

Never being sick or injured, we would never turn to prayer, or feel the love of caretakers...
Never being taught wisdom, we would never have mentors or role models to admire...
Never being protected from crime we could not feel protected and safe, alone or in public...
Never having our freedom maintained, we would forever be subject to enslavement...
And never being taught the Word of God, we would be forever lost.

So I guess this old world isn't so bad after all. Maybe the problem is in our own perspective on life...
Is a toy happier safe and sound in the box on a shelf, or when it is played with and loved by a child...
In the same way, would you be happier wrapped in bubble wrap, or living and being who you are...
And do you think God would be happy never having an opportunity to love and protect us...
Perfection isn't in never facing hardships... It's in going through, and growing stronger through them!

"For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans
for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." Jer. 29:11 (AMP)

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